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Lasallian Volunteers Discern on the Future

LV Weekend

Looking ahead to their futures, more than 50 Lasallian Volunteers (LVs) participated in the discernment retreats held in March at three locations: Mt. St. Alphonsus Retreat Center in Esopus, NY for the DENA District LVs; San Francisco District Novitiate in Napa, CA for the San Francisco and New Orleans-Santa Fe District LVs; and La Salle Retreat Center in Wildwood, MO for the Midwest District LVs.

The getaways provided volunteers with tools on how to discern and how discernment is not a one-time activity but a life-long process. “I’ve always been told that in making important decisions, it is important to take a step back in order to reflect and think things through. The discernment retreat provided the space and the meditative atmosphere to do just that,” said Jackie from the Missouri retreat. The retreats stressed the importance of taking time to listen to God. Attendees leave the weekend refreshed, re-energized and with tools they can use for the rest of their life.

The retreats include group sessions and discussions along with quiet, reflective time. Volunteers have the opportunity to connect with others, hear about their experiences and learn from them. “The retreat facilitators showed me that discernment is organic, ever changing, living and breathing,” explained Denny from the New York retreat. LV alums who joined the retreat shared their life discernment and the different directions they have taken.

The Lasallian Volunteers Program and the Regional Vocation Formation Board collaborate to host the retreats.
